Litter 2
29 December 2004


Jacko (Ch. Bendale That's My Boy) x Maggie (Full of the Dickens Broadway Baby)

8 puppies: 5 dogs (1 slate, 1 brown, 3 blue) and 3 bitches (1 slate, 1 blue and 1 fawn)


Ch. Bendale That's My Boy

HD: 5:2

Ch. Otterswish O' Connor

HD: 1:4

Ch. Chriscaro Charlock at Merrythorpe            HD: 2:3
Ch. Otterswish Eve       HD: 3:3
Ch. Bendale Love Me Do

HD: 5:5

Coalacre Collier          HD: 3:3
Bendale Perfect Love    HD: 7:6
Full of the Dickens Broadway Baby

HD: A/ CEA Clear

February 14, 2006
Ch. Seagull To Be Or Not To Be


Ch. Seagull Sweeps the Board
Coalacre Intrigue
Ghostbusters Gentle Star


Ch. Willowmead Star Turn     HD: B
Ghostbusters Beauly        HD: A


The theme for the pedigree names of this litter is "colour", the names of the puppies are the following:

Braemoor´s Black Jack

'Jip' slate dog

Braemoor´s Black Velvet

'Wendy' slate bitch

Braemoor´s Hot Chocolate

'Baika' brown dog
Braemoor´s Mister Blue 'Misty' blue dog
Braemoor´s Blue Johnny Blue 'Denzel' blue dog
Braemoor´s True Blue 'Jens' blue dog
Braemoor´s Shocking Blue 'Ginny' blue bitch
Braemoor´s Vanilla Fudge 'Thara' fawn bitch


December 29, 2004 December 31: Baika & Thara
  Baika & Thara


January 1 January 1, 2005: Baika, Ginny, True Blue, Thara & Wendy
January 15 January 28, 2005
February 16: Jip, Baika, Mister Blue, Wendy, Thara, Denzel, Ginny & True Blue (7 weeks)
Jip, Baika, Misty, Wendy, Thara, Denzel, Ginny & Jens


29 May 2005 at the Braemoor reunion... the litter at 5 months
f.l.t.r: Jip (slate dog), Thara (fawn bitch), Wendy (slate bitch), Misty (blue dog), Jens (blue dog), Baika (brown dog), Denzel (blue dog), Ginny (blue bitch) and Maggie (slate mother)


10 June 2007: the litter at 2˝ years
f.l.t.r.: Thara (fawn bitch), Misty (blue dog), Ginny (blue bitch), Maggie (slate mother), Jens (blue dog), Denzel (blue dog)


7 September 2008: the litter at 3˝ years

f.l.t.r.: Maggie (slate mother), Ginny (blue bitch), Misty (blue dog), Baika (brown dog), Thara (fawn bitch), Jens (blue dog)


15 May 2011 the  litter at 6 years:

24 August 2014, the litter at 9˝ years:

Jens (blue), Maggie (slate mother), Baika (brown), Ginny (blue) & Thara (fawn)


Jip, Maggie & Thara


December 23, 2005 June 25, 2007: Misty 2˝ years old




August 8, 2005: 7˝ months old August 9, 2005








September 23, 2007: 2 years and 9 months old December 31, 2007: 3 years
Thara - Braemoor's Vanilla Fudge


Baika - Braemoor's Hot Chocolate


July 02, 2008: 3˝ years old August 21, 2005: 7˝ months old
Jens - Braemoor's True Blue


Wendy - Braemoor's Black Velvet


11 year old Maggie with son Denzel aged 9



Ginny - Braemoor's Shocking Blue Jens
Thara 12˝ years Ginny 12˝ years